The Dreams of Inspector Javert, as written in a folio of papers in his flat, found after his death.

Recurring dream, from 1814

"I am sitting in a hackeny coach driven by a man I do not know. I cannot get his attention, and he does not hear a word I say. The road on which we are traveling is unpaved, narrow, and straight. The scenery is that of the provincial countryside. I look out the back of the coach, and I notice that the road behind us is paved."

Recurring dream, from October, 1822-

"I have the Convict Valjean cornered, and am placing him under arrest when a little street urchin points at me and laughs. Valjean blinks, and then laughs. i am surrounded by every scoundrel, whore, street arab and convict that I have ever accosted, and all of them laughing. That is when I notice that I am naked."

Reccuring dream from January 15, 1823

"I am surrounded by Prostitutes, who are spitting in the faces of the Pope, the Police Prefect, and King Louis-Phillipe. I am unable to move."

Recurring dream, from April, 1823

"It is at the hospital, in Montreuil-sur-Mer and I have captured the Convict Jean Valjean after the death of the Whore. After I put the chains on him, he turns to me, leering. His face is that of my father. Before it occurs to me to do anything else, I have shot him."

Recurring dream, from January, 1830

"I am Pontius Pilate, and Jesus is brought before me. He appears as nothing so much as a beaten Jew. I grant him pardon, and admonish the priest Caiaphas for wasting my time. I am awaiting the next case when I wake.

March 14, 1832

"I am a convict at Toulon. All the guards are women. I fight them easily and escape, only to be enslaved by Gypsy vagabonds, who employ me to steal shildren from an orphanage for the children of prostitutes. The cure there has the face of Jean Valjean. He offers me a louis d'or, an expensive doll, and a cup of soup, anf then I wake."

May 23, 1832

"I am at Carnival. There is a booth set up where one can shoot at little moving targets for ten shots a sou. The targets are of the gang Patron-Minette, the whore from Montreuil-sur-Mer, and the Convict Valjean. I pay my sou and take aim. As my shot peirces each target, its face becomes my own, and then is no more."

Recurring dream, from May 7th, 1832

"Once again I am Pilate, this time at Calvary. Jesus is being hung upon the cross, and as I look away, I see the body of Judas hanging upon a tree. It is some way distant, yet I am able to see clearly that his features are those of the Escaped Convict, 24601. I turn again to observe the Martyr; he too has the Convict's face. I wake as the gendarme stabs him in the side with his spear."

(undated Entry)

"I wake up and look in the mirror, and am startled to note that my hair has grown to my knees, and my sideburns have grown so that they hang past my chin in a veritable forest. On closer inspection, it seems that they are a forest, prowled by wolves and tigers. I then turn myself into a wolf, and begin to sing,

'Look at that flesh, pink and plump, hello little girl...'"

(Last Entry, undated)

"There is a room with no doors or windows, cluttered with feminine bric a brac and billets upon the walls. Several young girls are seated around a glass table, chatting loudly. I hear my name repeated several times, preceeded by a nonsense word, "Snookums" At the other end of the room is a black box with one side in glass, upon the glass is an image of a man dressed in my clothing, with my same hair and sideburns, singing loudly. He seems to correspond with a number of the Billets upon which is the name, (English, I surmise) of Philip Quast. I approach one of the girls and inquire as to the meaning of this 'Snookums'. She raises and eyebrow at me, and I am most offended.
'Why, you are Snookums!' And she throws her head back and laughs, joined by all the girls at the table. There is a book upon the table, and I cannot help but observe the title, "Les Miserables" The Author is a man named Hugo, and there are other novels with his name on them about, entitled "Quatre-Vingt Treize' and one with an English title, ending in 'Notre Dame'. I am stupified.
'Who are you?' I ask the girl. She laughs again, and gives me the same, dissconcerting look.
'I am Javert!'
'And I am Javert!' Says the girl sitting next to her.
'And I am La Javert!' Says another.
'I am RabsJavert!' Says yet another.
'And I am Javert Junior!'
'And I am Mademoiselle Javert!' And so on around the table until all the girls have announced themselves and fallen back to laughing. I have grown furious, by this time, and menace them with my cudgel. 'I am Javert!' I roar at them, at precisely the same moment as the duplicate in the box sings
out- 'And I aaaam JAVERT!' This sends the girls into more and more waves of laughter, and the girl who spoke first replies with a shriek,
'No, you're Snookums Javert!' and they all begin to sing together,
'You know nothing of JAVERT/ I was born inside a Jail/ I was born inside a Jail/ I was born with SCUM like YOU/ I am from the gutter toooooooo...'
And then I wake."

tell me quickly what's the story...